January 2015 Athlete of the Month – Clair Michel

I was going to throw this up for you fitness junkies yesterday but seeing as though the Superbowl was on, I figured it might slip through the cracks. Just like the Superbowl did for the Seahawks. . . No? K. The very first Athlete of the Month of the new year will be going out to the one and only Clair Michel. I’m not even sure where to begin, before I say anything I’d like to say congrats to you Clair. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and you deserve it!!!

What’s up bitches.
-Clair almost every morning she comes in.

There may be a decent amount of you that have never met Clair before. Clair comes and gets a swell on with Gail and rest of the squad at 8:00am for the most part, but you might be able to catch her at the noon class periodically on Fridays as well. Everyday she comes in she’s ready to go (usually after groaning at the white board) and is extremely outgoing. Whether you’re brand new to the gym or have been coming longer than her, she’ll chat you up and make it feel like you’re right at home and you guys have been buddies for years. She refuses to check out what the workout is online because she’s afraid that if she does she may not come at all, legit. It doesn’t matter what the workout is, what’s going on, Clair will always be there. One of the things I think I admire the most about Clair is her work ethic. Clair runs her own gym as well out of her basement in Pilot Butte, so after she’s done teaching classes for the morning she hops in the truck and cruises down here for workout at 8:00am. For the most part she only has that 1 hour window during the day to get a workout in and she drives into Regina to come workout here. The rest of the day is filled with either personal training or behind the scenes work to keep the gym running as smoothly as possible, along with everything else that comes with owning a business. We chat back and forth, throw around ideas and help each other out on the business aspect of things, but no matter how busy things get you can always find her at the 8:00am class. She’s one of the hardest workers I’ve personally ever met period. When she says that there isn’t enough time in the day, she means it. So if you ever have days where you wake up at 5:00am and work all day, and then go to bed at 10:00pm and you’re upset because you didn’t get enough done. That’s just another day in the life of Clair Michel. Being busy didn’t stop her from hitting PR’s on almost all of her lifts this past testing week, and there’s no where to go but up from here.

Congratulations again to you Clair. You grow up so fast.

Clair Michel
Favorite WOD: None, I hate them all equally.
Least Favorite WOD: Ditto to the above.
Why CrossFit?
I love going to CFV, tis my second home. Brendon & Jordan have helped me so much in all aspects of CrossFit, they are my coaches/psychiatrists, and have become my buddies. I can’t remember life before I prancersized through their doors 🙂
One Word That Best Describes You: Dedicated

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