December 2014 Athlete of the Month – Lana Chaykoski

Happy New year everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year festivities last night, I know I did. A big shout out to Lana Chaykoski for being picked as the athlete of the month for December. Lana is extremely new to not only the CFV family but to CrossFit as well.

Lana started her journey into CrossFit exactly one month ago by getting involved in the On Ramp program, she came in to each introduction class with the intent to learn and work hard! This work ethic was something I noticed right off the bat about Lana, each class she came to afterwards she was always working hard on whatever we threw her way, best way to put it, she was determined. After a few classes I remember talking with Lana about her fitness background which was surprisingly large so I asked what she wanted to accomplish here and her answer was, “To work out harder than I ever have before and to learn new things.”  Roughly a week or so of doing the Health and Fitness program Lana jumped over to the Performance program even though she knew there were some new skills she needed to acquire. Lana was super motivated to learning these new skills that she started attending weekend classes just to focus on that skill building and any weaknesses. She quickly became familiar with Olympic lifting, as well her kipping pull ups, handstand push ups, double unders (just a few of the things she has worked on). Aside from Lana’s hard working attitude the other thing that I’ve noticed is her positive attitude, every time she comes in she  tells me how much she is enjoying this new challenge and anytime she has hit a wall (either working on a skill or crushing a tough workout) she has never said “no”.

Lana keep it up cause the sky is the limit, congrats!

Lana Chaykoski
Favourite WOD : Anything with pull ups or kettle bells
Least Favourite WOD: Anything to do with burpees
Why CrossFit?
It’s a new challenge every time with tons of variety and a great blend of strength and endurance.
One word that best describes you: Driven

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