March 2015 Athlete of the Month – Olivia Laurin

Evening kids. Hope everyone’s having an exceptional week and maybe you’re in a better mood now seeing as though the sun actually rises in the morning. If we get one more snow storm just as we’re thinking spring has arrived, I’m packing up the gym and moving to Disneyworld. We’ll live off of lollipops and lift weights in Cinderellas castle. “No kid you can’t see Cinderella right now cause she’s mid set on some pretty heavy power cleans.” If only life were that simple. Getting a little off topic here though, we’re here to crown the MVP here at Sweatpantsnation for the month of March. The prestigious award of Athlete of the Month this time around goes to Olivia Laurin! A.k.a Shortstop. As the new year has been in full effect for a couple months now, Olivia has emerged from her cocoon and is showing us what an athlete she truly is. Next time the poutine is on me shortstop, you deserve it.

I admire everything about CrossFit itself, but one of the things I like the most is that it takes a group of total strangers and bonds them together and creates that “Community” everyone is always talking about. Olivia first came in with her brother and sister in law (Jeff & Jessica Laurin) because they were lookin for some fitness. For the most part Olivia wouldn’t come work out here unless she was with Jeff and/or Jessica (we’re still in the cocoon stage people, keep up). She would come in and get the work done, do what she had to do then she was on her way. I’m pretty sure I said it right off the start but Olivia is the type of person that doesn’t know her true potential in some things until she is truly tested or almost forced to do it. So when Jeff and Jessica moved back to Ontario in November, Olivia didn’t really have much choice but to come and workout on her own from now on! She was still friends with Shana from work but this was a big step for her. Ever since Jeff and Jessica left we made her one of our own and she emerged from that short little cocoon. From moving up to Performance workouts, trying new things you never thought even remotely possible a couple months ago, and for trusting in yourself and finding your true potential, that is why your’re our MVP this month. You might not be able to reach the cookie jar on top of the fridge but god damnit don’t you ever stop trying. You can go as far as you want shortstop, not only in the gym but in life as well. You’ve seen what happens when you give it your all, even if you need a little push from us here at the gym, just keep the momentum. Enjoy your celebratory ice cream shopping.

Olivia Laurin
Favorite WOD: Any EMOM.
Least Favorite WOD: 15.3 and 15.5
Why CrossFit?
Starting CrossFit was intimidating. I had never heard of CrossFit and my workouts consisted of running on a treadmill every once in a while. Even though I was nervous to start, I was hooked after the first week. The coaches and the people at CFV are encouraging, motivating, and just simply amazing. Whether its a PR or mastering a new skill, you are always working towards a goal with people there to help you and cheer you on. There has never been a millisecond where I have regretted joining CFV or doing a WOD (yes, even 15.5).
One Word That Best Describes You: Short.

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